
New updates and improvements to Webvizio

All Announcements

Improved Search, Advanced Filters, & More


Exciting updates! We’ve redesigned the task cards, improved the task editing flow, and task search, and added advanced filters and sorting functionality! 🚀

Improved task search, advanced filters, and sorting. Search for any task within a project, and find what you need faster.


Filters GIF


🔍 Searching: Type in a keyword or phrase from the title, task description, or the names of the assigned users to see all the tasks that match your query

🗂️ Sorting: Sort tasks by Date, Number, Priority, or Alphabetical order

🎯 Filtering: Quickly filter tasks based on their status, assignee, due date, or priority


Advanced filters GIF


2. Improved task editing. Whenever you edit or modify a task and return to the list of all tasks, it will start from the same task you edited the last, so you can just pick up from where you left off.


3. Visual enhancements to the task cards. We’ve slightly redesigned task cards, including updated icons and styling, to improve the overall interface and usability.

