Feature Ideas

  1. Tasks on live website πŸ“Œ

    Assign tasks, comment, and collaborate with your team and clients on live web sites mirrors, visually highlight issues, and pin πŸ“Œ any web element, piece of copy, or bug to work on, both on desktop and mobile. (with preset of the most popular screen resolutionsπŸ–₯️).

    #Deal Breaker πŸ’”#Welcome πŸ‘‹


  2. Annotation and free drawing tool

    Would be great to be able to add shapes and annotate anything.

    #New Feature 🧨#Deal Breaker πŸ’”#Styling 🎨


  3. Interactive Mode (after Feedback without Account)

    Would be nice to also have kind of a workflow where clients get a URL parameter link which then guides them through several views (desktop and mobile for example) and asks them about feedback.

    Micha C
    #Improvement πŸ‘#New Feature 🧨


  4. Checklists for tasks

    It would be great to have checklists that could be added to the body of a task and checked off.

    Christian M
    #Improvement πŸ‘#New Feature 🧨


  5. Digest Emails!

    I routinely get 10-20+ emails in a single inbox check as clients walk through and mark up the site, tag me in tasks and change ticket status etc... Gets pretty overbearing at times and some of my clients have mentioned the same. I think it's still important to have all of this information, but it's rarely important or time sensitive enough to warrant a separate email for every action. That said, would be great to have the abilility to set how often and the volume of emails that are sent. For example, have the option to be able to say, send a digest/summary every x hours, once per day etc., rather than separate messages for each new ticket, tag, comment etc. And maybe ones flagged with High priority still get sent separately?

    #Improvement πŸ‘#New Feature 🧨#Welcome πŸ‘‹


  6. Sort Comments By Task Number

    allow the ability to sort comment threads by the task number

    Jamie F
    #Improvement πŸ‘#New Feature 🧨


  7. CNAME for white-label

    Allow users to add CNAME for complete, true white-labeling. Agencies and freelancers need this to make the app even more useable, and even integrate it within our client portals with iframe. I remind you that this was promised in the Appsumo campaign.

    #New Feature 🧨#Deal Breaker πŸ’”#Integrations πŸ”—


  8. Edit mode βœ‚οΈ

    Edit website design: position of elements, font properties, text alignment, image replacement, etc.

    Dan Webvizio
    #Improvement πŸ‘#New Feature 🧨


  9. Full Page Screenshot

    The option to take a full-page screenshot with either the chrome extension or when on the project. It's helpful for exporting screenshots of the page. It would also give the option to export the images and send them over to a client or someone else. I think this might be useful for peopleβ€”it would be for me.

    #Improvement πŸ‘#New Feature 🧨#Misc 🀷


  10. Restore deleted Task

    I accidentally deleted a task and was told that there is no way to restore. Id like to see that changed.



  11. New Feature Request: Version tracker for the same project

    I've attached a screenshot of the feature from a competitor I've used for a couple of years now which works very well. The UI is really great for productivity. Inside a project there is "versions". So version 1 has its comments and related tasks that have been completed, version 2 etc. Multiple versions can be created and each version KEEPS their corresponding comments separately. Each version has its own asset (website or static image). At the moment Webvizio has a nice feature I love where you can upload multiple different files within the same project and view them like tabs in a web browser video. I think if this adopted the version on top of this feature, so TAB 1 has versions 1,2,3 etc then TAB 2 has its version history (1,2,3 etc). This could help large projects with MANY design assets at once for one project and one client. But organise everything so well and help us keep track of progress.

    #Improvement πŸ‘#New Feature 🧨#Styling 🎨


  12. Screenshot past (ctrl+V)

    Sometimes I wanna screenshot a part of a page or anything to share with the client or developer. I want to be able to just paste it as I do with a text, and not need to go through saving the file.

    #Improvement πŸ‘#New Feature 🧨#Deal Breaker πŸ’”


  13. Increase file size limit to 2 to 5 gb

    Increase file size limit to 2 to 5 gb

    #Improvement πŸ‘#New Feature 🧨


  14. Drag/drop files to add to a task

    When attaching a file to a task. Allow drag from desktop to drop into the task.

    #Improvement πŸ‘


  15. Reposition pins and pin pinless tasks.

    Currently, there doesn't seem to be any way to reposition a pin after it has been placed. Additionally, if a task is added without a pin, there doesn't seem to be a way to add a pin to the task. This would be useful for tasks that reference adding things. Before setting the status to done you could add a pin to where the item was added.

    Christian M
    #Improvement πŸ‘#New Feature 🧨
